Saturday, March 8, 2003

House Concurrent Resolutions   

96.  By Del. Fleischauer, Amores, Beach, Caputo, Craig, Fragale, Hall, Hatfield, Hrutkay, Iaquinta, Kominar, Leach, Manchin, Morgan, Renner, Smirl, Susman, Trump and Warner - Requesting a study looking into the possibility of expungement of a criminal record for first-time nonviolent misdemeanor offenses - To Rules

98.  By Del. Michael, Mezzatesta and Williams - Requesting a study to determine the means of best facilitating the creation of a new Water Quality Board - To Rules

House Resolutions    

20.  By Del. Foster, Perdue, Leach, Long, Hatfield and Border - Proclaiming August 23rd as "Health Unit Coordinators Day" - To Rules

21.  By Mr. Speaker (Mr. Kiss), Del. Ennis, Browning, R. M. Thompson, Manchin and Swartzmiller - Supporting West Virginia men and women of the Air and Army National Guard and the Army, Navy and Marine Reserves participating in homeland and international operations - To Rules